Magical Mystery Tour

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: Liverpool, Beatles

Date: 29 June 2012 18:48:48

We and a coach load of other fans rolled up to be driven around Liverpool and shown various Beatley sights.

20120629-193230.jpg First we peered down the street where Ringo first lived. The little terraced street is unoccupied and has recently been saved from demolition. We were shown where he moved to next and his first school. The tour guide was friendly and knowledgable and was full of stories about the fab four and others like Stu Sutcliffe,Brian Epstein and Pete Best who he knew personally. Next we heard about George's family and stopped by his first childhood home.

20120629-193705.jpg As you can see Here Comes The Sun met with some wry smiles when played in the coach. We stopped on Penny Lane,

20120629-193830.jpg And at Strawberry Field

20120629-193918.jpg At the other end of the road we saw the shelter on the roundabout, sadly dilapidated, the bank and the barbers shop. Then we stopped outside Paul and John's houses in Forthlin Road and Menlove Avenue respectively , more of that anon. It was a good tour to do. Its good to be able to visualise the places the Beatles grew up and mention in their songs. The tour stopped close to Mathew Street and as it was wet and lunchtime we popped into the Grapes for lunch. Descended into the Cavern for a look see, once again, more presently!

20120629-194645.jpg Mathew Street.

20120629-194725.jpg Spent the rest of the day in the excellent Museum of Liverpool and generally appreciating the dock area.