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Date: 24 June 2004 17:23:13

For some time now (like about a year) one of my housemates has been breeding a strange milky white substance in a plastic tub in the kitchen. Every other evening I catch her draining the substance through a sieve, eating the thick-ish liquid, and returning the lumpy bits to the pot with some fresh milk. On one occasion (quite early on) she explained to me that this was 'yogurt culture' and it was, in fact, 'very good for you'. I tasted some and, although kind of sharp in it's taste, it was pretty edible. She explained that the stuff grows and when it's about doubled in size the idea is that you split it and give some to a friend.

My dear husband informed me last night that he has spent a whole year wondering what the 'stuff' in the pot was, and had only just found out. He had met the aforementioned housemate in the process of dividing up the 'culture' to share with another housemate (yes, me have lots of them!)... and he was now seriously worried about the safety of our planet...

You see the stuff keeps growing if you feed it - and he had started imagining the yogurt growing without restraint... until we were totally invaded by the stuff. I reassured him that this was unlikely to occur, but he insisted that we need to do something to protect ourselves. I recalled that on my initial introduction to the yogurt culture I was informed that it was important to only use plastic implements (pot, sieve, spoon) because the culture reacts with metal, and kills the 'goodness' or something... so we are now arming ourselves with metal spoons in case of an attack!