Not what I expected...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 April 2008 19:36:23

(I'm so encouraged to find people actually read and comment on my blog I thought I'd continue posting!)

I'm off work at the moment. Sick. In the Feeling-VERY-Green sense. Normally Toddler and Baby go to nursery a couple of days a week so I should have got some rest. But 10-month old babe has had chickenpox so she's been at home too. So we gave up trying to pretend all was fine.
And on Sunday Husband went off to church on his own and told anyone who'd listen 'Hurrah! We're expecting another baby in October.' (Subtext: Help! We need a little support right now).

There were three kinds of responses:
1) The usual 'Congratulations' response.
2) The 'Gosh, that was quick' (Subtext: I'm curious to know if this was planned?) response.
3) The one mum-of-three who said, with feeling, 'Oh, I'm SO sorry'.

I think the mum had done the maths and realised that in just over 6 months' time we'll be dealing with three children under three in our house.
But I'm vomiting too much right now to be worrying about 'in 6 months' time'!