From the mouths of children

Categories: family

Date: 21 April 2009 21:30:58

Like Birdie, we pray with our children every night. Elder Son's contribution is generally to tell us what he'd like to thank God for - typically either a specific member of the family (siblings are currently quite popular) or something nice but wholly random in the recent past (not always on the day it happened). Daughter's contribution is generally to say 'Amen' loudly several times throughout the prayer (possibly in the hopes that we'll conclude it faster). Baby Son's contribution is either happy gurgles or vomit!

Tonight Daughter made a step further in her journey to faith by contributing to the focus of the evening's prayers...

Mummy: "What would you like to thank God for tonight?"
Elder Son: "Having chocolate at Sarah's house" (Sarah being a friend we'd just visited who'd shared her Easter Egg with him)
Daughter: "Cake!"
Mummy (to Elder Son): "Shall we pray she gets better too?" (Sarah has chicken pox)
Elder Son: "Yes"
Daughter (louder): "Cake!"
Mummy (to Daughter): "You want to pray for cake?"
Daughter: "My cake"
Mummy (trying to figure out if this has anything to do we the fact that Daughter missed out on cake for pudding because she hadn't eaten her first course at dinner time): "You want to eat cake?"
Daughter (shaking head): "No, my cake"
Mummy (next guess): "You made cake at nursery today?"
Daughter (smiling): "Yes. My cake"

So we did.
(And later I found a squashed fairy cake with pink icing at the bottom of the bag Daughter takes to her day nursery.)
Tomorrow she can have "Cake!"