Day 4 - Appreciating the other side of Nature

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 March 2006 08:06:07

Last night was windy and cold, the wind seemed to be coming straight off the sea through the fields and every so often hitting the caravan and making it shake. As a result my sleep was even more fitful than it has been over the last couple of nights.

That said, when it did die down, inbetween gusts, it was in the right direction that I could hear the sea crashing onto the cliffs in the distance. At first I have to admit that I found it creepy, but then I began to appreciate it for a while. Laying there I realised how vunerable I am really, any real storm and this caravan would be wrecked along with me inside.

Then I got sad it made me think and realise that alot of the people in the tsunami would have laid in bed at night listening to the sea, and then one day the force of it just destroyed their lives. The people in New Orleans would have heard the wind getting up before but one day it stopped being ideal weather for kite flying and became a scary monster.

Then about 4:00am I got angry because I realised if the tree huggers are right we are feeding the monster through the way we treat the environment. We need to give it alot more respect, but then I might have to change how I live. That said nature has always been something we've wanted to control but can't and it's always turned into the scary monster sometimes. Question is is anybody in control?

Anyway enough, I'm starting to sound like a bit of tree hugger and that really isn't good, (trust me). I really do need sleep.