Wakey, wakey - priorities reordered

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 27 May 2006 07:19:27

Yesterday I had a bit of a moment when I started to wake up and smell the coffee, realising that my view of things has been a tad messed up and I have clearly missed the obvious. I was able to take action which was a small step to changing my priorities but it's going to require some careful planning and reordering, rather than kneejerk reactions (although they are also useful in the scheme of things).

At this point, (if you're still reading) you're probably wondering what I'm waffling on about this time, well let me tell you. Yesterday I came across a thread on SOF which made me feel ashamed and realise that I take alot from my community, (both virtual and real) but don't contribute enough. In this case we were talking financially, but I know that it's not just money, but in other ways aswell.

I realise that it's time to do an audit of where my time and money go and rearrange as appropriate. As a Christian I give lipservice to the concept of stewardship and am ready enough to hold multi-nationals accountable for their actions, but I need to start closer to home. It's not just about recycling or buying fair trade, I'm slowly starting to realise it's more than that.

Yesterday, as I sat and thought about it, I realised that I probably spend more in a month on chocolate for Third Party and myself (and we don't eat that much - honest, but think of how it adds up with the odd 45p here and there) than I do in 3 months contributing to the communities that I am part of.

I realise that part of the problem has arisen because I have devalued many of the communities I'm part of because of their counter-cultural way of working. They are offering services for free & leaving the individual to decide how to give back rather than setting fixed rates which we are expected to adhere to, and then shelling out as appropriate for the add ons. I have,unknowingly and due to lack of thought, contributed to problems for others in the communities as they worry about the consequences of not meeting budgets, finding enough people to run activities, etc. I am also dishonouring God through my actions; living counter-culturally and being a steward including every area of life, rather than simply being a consumer, is supposed to be a given for Christians. Yet I for one have treated this as an optional extra and a lifestyle choice (if I am being brutally honest).

This is not time for a guilt trip though, rather time for action. As I say time for an honest audit.