Happy Yfi generation - pt 1

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Date: 30 September 2006 08:27:22

Have just finished trawling my way through Making Sense of Generation Y The world view of 15-25year olds & so sit back, grab a glass of something and prepare for yet another mini series.

First off I nearly didn't get past the cover. The Generation Y bit is in bold & from reading the whole title and blurb you can so tell that this isn't really intended to be ironic. Still as somebody who spends their days trying to educate said age group and/or parenting somebody who is within that generation, (although almost but not quite the age range referred to in the title yet) I thought I better give it a go.

Overall it is an ambitious project trying to incorporate sociology, psychology, cultural theory and applied theology in a readable guide - in the space of 170 pages (once you take out the appendix and notes). It does draw some useful conclusions, and it's timing and authorship does mean that it will be a majorly influential study over the next few years (particularly within certain circles of the church) but it does also have short comings. The good, the bad and the ugly about it need looking at and putting in context in a way which you can't do in just one entry and so that is why I have started today with giving a basic review of the book before going into a bite-sized chunks of analysis over the next few days.