Modern morality tale

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 23 October 2006 20:44:11

There was once a woman, who was somewhat arrogant about stuff never happening to her. She would tell others to back up their work properly onto a seperate device, but wouldn't do this herself.

Then one afternoon there was a powercut and as she tried to get her computer started again it would just reboot continuously. Now this made a slightly stressed bunny v. freaked out as those around her said, "but didn't you back the really important stuff (schemes of work, several years of resources, etc, etc) up?"

She tried laying hands on the machine, but God chose not to answer. Thankfully, as we all need a happy ending, there was a nice bloke at church who was able to take the machine and deal with the corrupt files which had made the computer poorly. Therefore, about 24 hours later the machine has returned home, all better.

Still she has learnt an important lesson and on Wednesday will be stocking up on USP keys.