Working it out

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 February 2007 09:23:10

This may or maynot turn into one of my occassional series. However, I have realised that every so often I do allow insights into the creature that is Tractor Girl and her history and these are probably amongst the most useful things on this particular Wiblog, because within careful laid out boundaries (after all this is the WWW and a public space) they allow me and you, dear reader, to explore the apparent contradictions that are Tractor Girl.

Whilst I may touch on what regular readers have already heard I don't intend to just recover old ground, so if you weren't hanging around here when I've given bits of my story in the past I would direct you to January / February 2006 and and also, to a lesser extent, September 2006 archieves to get bits of it.

When I've done this in the past my focus' have been (i) identifing the effect of patriarchy on my life and (ii) mapping my life. This one will kind of be similar, but different. With this I intend to explore the way over the last 25 years my life has developed as a radical (or possibly conservative liberal) attached to the evangelical sub-culture. It will explore the tension that is there and the ways that I am similtaneously an insider and outsider within two worlds, which I think are actually complimentary but many see as mutually exclusive.