Keeping an eye on the board

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 August 2008 07:26:27

Ok, please keep an eye on the boards & please contribute so we can sort out if it will be the Organic beer tent or the Tiny Tea Tent.

The issue is not a big one and I certainly don't want to get into a slightly toasting thing, (I don't think I have the ability to flame), but the whole venue thing has bought up some issues. Note not the fact we're changing (hugs to Maddie and Dave having to change all their plans), just the Organic Beer Tent becoming the default option.

As a society we tend to socialise around alcohol, which is fine and I don't have a problem with this. Everybody is well aware I'm not exactly tea total and am quite content to sit in the corner of a pub socialising. However, as somebody who is passionate about inclusion there are some things that concern me about the "we'll meet down the pub" attitude which prevails in English society.

Firstly, it can exclude people with children. Whilst most pubs these days are family friendly not all are and for v. practical reasons The Jesus Arms, (Organic Beer Tent with naff name, but good vibe), is one.

Secondly, some people don't do alcohol either for reasons to do with personal history, current medical issues / medication or simply because of personal choice, sometimes based upon religious belief. For some of these peope pubs, however nice, are not where they want to be.

Thirdly, as a society we are trying to tell our kids there are other things to do than just get ratted, but we often end up down the pub ourselves by default. Now, whilst we won't necessarily get ratted - and at Greenbelt nicely mellow rather than ratted is the encouraged option -perhaps we need to think about "the pub" becoming one of a range of options we tend to go for in our society rather than the obvious default.

Um, sorry if I sound like I'm being abit of a pc killjoy, I really don't want to be but.....I'm starting to realise that if we are serious about inclusion we need to give thought to things like venues.