Green Party Policy v. Christian Conscience?

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Date: 11 September 2012 09:25:15

The right of the individual politician (whether involved in local or national politics) to vote according to their conscience, particularly on ethical issues, is something I see as fundamental to our democratic system. As such I was appalled when I read a post the God and Politics blog which indicated that a Green councillor in Brighton and Hove has been through a disciplinary hearing and been dismissed from the Green Council group due to voting against a motion showing support for marriage equality.

However, it turns out that the whole case is more complicated than it may first appear if one reads the statement on the Brighton and Hove Green Party website.

What this case illustrates well is the way that different understandings of language and loyalty exist between secular and religious organisations and people. For Councillor Summers this clearly is a faith issue (although I think the way the case has developed indicates the way certain conservative religious organisations are currently manipulating disputes for subsequent publicity and to develop a public perception of oppression/ persecution). For the Green Party it is clearly about Party loyalty and discipline.