Self-Indulgent Moan

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Date: 24 June 2007 10:10:51

I spoke to Third Party last night and was entertained by tales of it taking 4 people to get her moving again when she got herself stuck in the mud & how the wellies I'd sent her with were atleast 2 sizes too small, (I had got her to check they fitted and she had told me they still did). She then proceeded to tell me about the kind people who gave her a chair during Bjork (who she went to see instead of Fat Boy Slim) because she was a bit dozy during her set. That during Lilly Allen she ended up not seeing a thing but that meant she was able to move forward during the change over and get two rows from the front during Babyshambles set. Oh and she apparently intends to go and see Shirley Bassey tomorrow, despite having no idea who she is, because everybody else is and she feels that it is important to see a legend - (I think she has a similar logic on intending to see The Who aswell).

I have to say I am very jealous, probably doubly so because my baby brother took over the phone from TP and told me that he'd been to see the Men They Couldn't Hang yesterday afternoon. And I'm not even going to go there about how I feel on the fact they were about to set off to see The Killers.

Anyway whilst Third Party was getting rather muddy (and guess who's got to deal with all the muddy clothing?) I was set wrestling with my dis. I did have the Glasto coverage on in the background while I was dealing with the theology. Current additions to the thoughts already sketched here are that I think churches who look at people identify the image of God (in the relational and egalitarian sense that Thatcher and Grenz use) within people but many books and outreach strategies are using the post-fall concepts of difference which are based upon difference and a sense of superiority (as outlined by Coleman) which resulted from the fall. This sort of slots in with the fact God created us to be in life long monogomous relationships but the result of the fall is fragmentation and oppression and a way of seeing people based on a range of things other than just the image of God (which Drane, Thatcher and Grenz also sort of talk about - I think, head was completely mashed by that point).

What I think I'm trying to say is it's not fair I want to be at Glasto not wrestling with theology.