There is A Time

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 27 October 2011 18:35:11

There is a time

For anger

A time

For despair

A time

For love

Some emotions are easier to reach than others.

There is nothing more dignified than a people at prayer

The act of kneeling and bowing

A recognition that we are not the be all and end all of existence

The act of burning candles with eyes lifted skywards

A recognition of hope

There is nothing more obscene

Than the avoidable death of children

There is a time for death

And childhood is not it

But in the here and now the figures contradict us

And all we feel is a deep rooted anger


Can somebody tell me how many truck loads of grain

Are moved by anger?

Can somebody tell me how many bullets and bombs

Are kept out of the city by anger?

Can somebody tell me where it is written

"A child needs anger"?


There is a place for anger

And a world where the children are the forgotten victims is not it


But in the here and now with our knowledge and our facts

We despair at the hopelessness and do nothing


Can somebody tell me if it is despair that drives mothers

With their babies across deserts in search of food?

Can somebody tell me if it is despair that fills half the cities of the world

With gangs of infants scavenging and kicking and begging their way to adulthood?

Can somebody tell me where it is written

"A child needs despair"?


There is a place for despair

And a world where so much as one child breathes

Is not it


And in the here and now

We can hold out our arms

And pick up the fallen children of the globe

For this is love

And the people with the candles tell me love is a great fertilizer

And the gardeners tending their plots tell me love put food in the mouth of many

And my Muslim friends tell me

Love of Allah and their duty to those unable to feed themselves are indivisible

And my Quaker friends tell me it is impossible to love

And pull the trigger

And everywhere it told

"A child needs love"

By John Row


My dad wrote this and put it up on face book dedicating it to me when I was down at Occupy lsx and to all other people  around the world coming together without violence. I am tonight dedicating it to the people of Occupy Newcastle and to Cannon Giles Fraser as well as all other people around the world coming together without violence.