Thank You

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 28 September 2011 08:49:49

So in an hour or so I pick up two soft bound copies of the thesis and hand them in; two days before my student card expires. It's been a long and emotional journey which I know isn't quite over, but which is getting there. I am not including an acknowledgement page in with this thesis but I did want to do the equivalent in this post. The reason is that it isn't just the thesis I've handed in this month, I've also submitted my final faith and worship assignments and been through circuit meeting in the candidating process - a process which is continuing to the next step. My thank you's therefore extend way beyond the thesis stuff.

Firstly, I wanted to thank the whole wibsite community who in their various ways have supported me through this. Especially I wanted to thank a core especially who upon reflection have been a huge support to me - occassionally in some practical ways but most often through just knowing you're there and have been with me throughout the journey; supporting Third Party too. So in no particular order: Jack the Lass, Ian, Auntie Doris, Pants, Classical Jazz, Dith (and husband), Smudgie, Glimpses of Colour, Never Conforming and whoever inevitably I have forgotten to include who I should have done - thank you. Thanks too for those who comment on here but don't post who have supported through sometimes challenging me when required and at other times encouraging me - Agatha and Derf a special thank you here.

Surfing if you are wondering why you are missing it is because you have your own special category of being which transends other stuff.

I want to thank others who helped me get here and who have provided particular support. The Scottish Family were amazing (you know who you are) and have been very, very special supporters on the journey. Thank you.

I couldn't have started the journey if it hadn't been for the people in Herne Bay, so special thanks to Herne Bay Baptist Church and its members who put trust in the mad adventure at the beginnning. Special thanks to Catfood, Tina, Darren and Claire - for various reasons none of this would have happened without the four of you.

Then thanks to the people of North Road Methodist and Durham Methsoc. When I arrived in shell shock you took me in and nurtured my faith and showed me that I might be able to participate in ways I had never imagined possible and that my "chairs and washing up only" view of "appropriate service" for "people like me" was warped to say the least.

Thanks too for others in the circuit and district who have supported me through the processes so far. Special thanks to my mentor for the local preaching - she was awesome and her initial support was invaluable. Thanks too to my Faith and Worship tutors who supported me through, especially the one who when it was all getting a bit much last year gently took me away for a couple of hours each week and shared her wealth of knowledge and experience with me, as well as the odd trout.

There were the congregations who I studied, who must and will remain anonymous. Without them this would not have happened.

I guess this is where I say my supervisors were awesome too - they were and I am really glad that I came here because the one I spoke to on the phone didn't sound nearly as posh as the potential supervisor at Exeter.

With regard to the local preaching there are the GCN and GCE lot who supported me and provided me with that FB picture when I led a session on retreat. God used you guys to take me on the journey.

Thanks to to other post-grads studying up here in Durham who helped support me especially Patricia, Jo and the rest of the Cafe de Femme group.

Then there is family who may be last but are certainly not least. My dad who encouraged his daughter to go on mad adventures. TOH met me here and changed my life in an amazing way. She also dealt with the bouts of self-doubt and proof read the thesis, giving a level of service that went above and beyond what could reasonably be expected of anybody. Third Party, who has at times suffered as a result of agreeing to support me on this mad adventure as well as having gained some benefits. There was a sacrifice involved for her - she left her friends, she had to go without alot as my income plummeted, she had to endure my self-doubt and lots more stuff was involved for her personally which I'm not putting in a blog post. The thing is she continued to support me throughout and I am greatful to her for everything - without her none of this would have come to fruition.

Finally the God of Adventures

So thank you everybody - it's been emotional and I have no doubt it probably will continue to be so.