The EA Alternative Festival Guide

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 15 July 2011 10:42:24

Sometimes you have to sigh and other times you have to just smile and recognise that evangelicalism has its own little bubble. The EA has produced their "festival" guide.  If you're expecting to see any of the numerous festivals that you may recognise if you don't live in this micro-world I'm afraid you're likely to be disappointed. Greenbelt is in there but it gets a smaller blurb than it did in the Guardian's Festival Guide where it was placed in the best boutique festivals section.

The selective nature of the "guide", which is effectively an advertising feature for Soul Survivor (including associated festivals for older young people) and Keswick is shown by the glaring ommissions. People Without Limits is the festival formally known as Detling and takes place 6 - 11 August, Kent Showground, Detling. It is mentioned but only as somewhere where you will find the viral bible project (part of Bible Fresh) bibles turning up.

The list of speakers highlights that this is an evangelical event: Eric Delve, Jeff Lucas and Gerard Kelly amongst others.

I had to smile when I looked at the Keswick Unconventional week looking at the list of speakers and singers - several of whom I had enjoyed listening to over the years - I couldn't imagine a more conventional programme really. Just shows how all things are relative. Overall what could have been a really vibrant and exciting article just left me sighing about the way the sub-culture works.