Getting off the fence and producing a charter

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Date: 01 March 2011 15:27:39

Today I am angry, very angry and I think it is righteous anger. I read the news and finally saw how the secular fundamentalists are using the gay community in their battle against Christianity. It has prompted me to get off my fence post and say what I believe and what I want. I was going to rant for ages and appeal to both Christians and gay people. Not going to now....just going to put up my charter and ask you to support it.

I reckon if we organise around these 8 principles we could actually make a difference. We could use Lent (40 days starting next week) to pray and fast and seek a way forward into implementing them. Have also started a FB group called Smiley, Happy People Who Give A Damn...if you want to join. If you believe in this stuff too please repost the charter and spread the message of the change we can make.

1)We will work to ensure that institutional heterosexism is eliminated but also guarantee that individuals have the choice to opt out of conducting services or providing services which go against their individual religious beliefs.

2)We will work together to end oppression and injustice which results in physical, emotional or economic abuse.

3) We will promote positive attitudes towards singleness and the value of loving, committed, monogomous relationships.

4) We will ensure that continuing dialogue occurs to promote mutual respect and understanding.

5) We will not allow aggressive secularists to misuse the Equality Act in order to attack or marginalise Christians. But we will support its use to ensure equal rights for all sectors of society.

6) We will choose to refuse to use language which denegrates any other human being (including language which sees homosexuality or Christianity as a source of infection or as a disability).

7) We will promote responsible use of alcohol on the basis excessive drinking fuels dangerous sexual behaviour and the risk of violent attack amongst all sectors of society.

8 ) We will make every effort to share our stories and histories so that greater understanding can take place, (including understanding of where our actions have hurt or threatened others)."

Note for regular readers: I am up to date on bible study stuff - just not got round to blogging it over last few days. For info if you happen to be reading along we have moved from Exodus into Leviticus.