Letter to the Thieves

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 05 October 2010 09:36:01

So yesterday it was my purse,

I know, it was silly of me to put it there,

A place where you could take it

To get your next fix, or something similar

Or maybe even pay a bill.

What you don't realise is what it did to me,

Losing that purse full of cards you can't use

And a few quid in cash with the railcards.

You see I am one of the "hidden poor"

The ones you think are better off than you.

In fact that money was to get me to work

And buy a loaf of bread.

The fact you took it meant I couldn't get to work,

Before deductions that's £75 quid I lost.

Because of a complicated life

that was a good chunk of Novembers rent you took.

But it could have been worse

I got my child benefit today,

For my sixteen year old daughter.

She gets her EMA to live off

And I get her child benefit and child tax credit

To buy the food, put with my term time one nights wages,

And pay my debts and rent.

There are bigger thieves than you about though

They want to take that twenty quid a week

Thinking that because of the EMA I don't need the child benefit.

Or that's what the news  said this week.

They want to steal more from me than you ever could

It's money that I have paid with my NI contributions

They want to take from me.

The worst thing is that they will justify it

With complex words and spin

About reinvestment, targeting and fiscal responsibility.

They are not as upfront as you,

I'm guessing if I ever asked

You'd tell me what you'd really used it for

They are going to talk education and health

Whilst paying for new "defence".

My child benefit for the nuclear deterrant

My bread for their bombs.

This "reinvestment" they talk of

Will involve stealing from many more

Than your careful pickpoketing ever will

They are ready to steal from the poor, the old

And the acting serviceman

In order to renew Trident.

So dear thief

I'm pissed off with you

But I'm so much more angry at the real thieves

Who are ready to attack this month.