Tidying up the wreckage

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Date: 15 October 2007 19:26:40

It's probably clear that my hang ups with church are based on a set of frustrations and issues which don't really relate to any one church, particularly not my current one but rather relate to the way I see the world and a whole varied set of past experiences.

The current feelings of suffocation and resentment have been fed by a range of creatures, but I think the strongest one is the fact I can see a certain young lady heading head first into the evangelical mind set that I blame for alot of the damage I see around me when I look at Christians. (Oh and for those who haven't kept up she's gone from the Greenbelt wildchild to a young lady who has enquired about baptism - my daughter doesn't do anything by halves).

The other one I think is doing my head in is the fact through my own experience and what I am seeing in various directions around me I have realised that the church (general and to a certain extent local) is based on silence, contradiction and an avoidence of difference at the expense of honesty. I am of a generation which has bought in so whole heartedly to the idea of "inclusive church" that it comes as a hard lesson when you realise that infact inclusive church comes about not through inclusion but rather through an avoidance of difference. Worse still I realise that despite all my protestations to the contrary I have, am and will probably continue to colude with this institutional denial of reality because it's what Christians do.