Happy 50th Birthday Doc Marten

Categories: general-nonsense

Date: 01 April 2010 08:49:43

Standing outside Scorpio Shoes this morning, lusting after some beautiful grey and white DM's which will go wonderfully with my "good skirt" I was handed a canvas bag and wished happy b'day by the shops owner.

It turns out that DM boots are 50 years old today. Quite fitting then that I have gone out wearing my sky blue one today. These have been on the go for a few years now, the latest in a long line. I've never been without over the last 20 years and I've tried never to have the same colour twice. My favourites, one of my first. A pair of v. soft leather bright red ones which I absolutely loved and had to go off to college in back in the mid 90's.

The company has put together some stuff to celebrate that can be found here and it includes some videos put together to celebrate the spirit of the DM.  So happy B'day DM's, heres to another 50 years.