I'm Memeing of A White Christmas

Categories: general-nonsense

Tags: General Nonsense

Date: 26 November 2009 09:02:15

Rosamundi has given me a “Gorgeous Award.” V. kind of her, must be one of those acts of charity she is required to do ;) I have been requested to list six things relating to myself that are generally unknown, and mention six blogs or bloggers I consider gorgeous. I’ve been blogging since October 2004. As Rosamundi put in her post, "There are supposed to be things you lot don’t know about me? OK…" 1. I sent an e-mail yesterday which could, if it led to anything, alter the course of my life. 2. I was never christened or dedicated as a baby 3. The first gig I ever went to without my parents was Toyah, when I was 10 4. I've had two awards given to me related to my teaching career. When I was on PGCE the people on my course gave me an award at our leaving meal which said I been the "outstanding student" of our cohort. This was a value added type of award based on the person who had come furthest. When I was in my last full time job I was one of about 23 people who got an award from the college for outstanding teaching and learning because in our internal inspection my lesson had been judged as meeting the criteria for outstanding. I was proud, but also a little embarrassed to achieve both. The first one meant most to me because my colleagues had had a say in it. 5. My dads Facebook status yesterday said something about him having arrived in Lapland for 7 weeks.....(and yes he will be spending most of that time wearing a red suit. His beard, though, is natural). 6. I remember seeing several white Easters, but I can't remember seeing a properly white Christmas. My most vivid memory of one was when I was little standing at the top of my grandparents drive and seeing the daffodils popping out of the snow. (Ok, so it may not be a huge unknown fact....but I had to say it somewhere or I wouldn't have been able to have the cheesy post title today.) Six people who I think have gorgeous blogs or are gorgeous bloggers who haven't already been nominated by Rosamundi or Auntie Doris are, in no particular order: Surfing - Surfing Through A Sea of Unknown, Head Into the Heavens, Journeying to the Cross, Knitting, Sex and God, Michael Volland and Marika at Theologies. Confession here, I don't really expect the last two to enter into this - probably. However, I do think they are gorgeous Durham blogs and so wanted to sign post you to them if you haven't already stumbled across them. Also I have been a bit cheeky with the Michael Volland one linking to somebody I don't even know, (although I think I have sat in the same room as him atleast once),.....but hey ho we were asked to give gorgeous blog awards and I think all of these are - so I am prepared to bend etiquette a bit and just pray Andrew Jones, (Tall Skinny Kiwi) bloggers prayer a bit harder next time. For those who haven't come across Jones' bloggers prayer before, here it is: The Blogger’s Prayer 1.0 by Andrew Jones Our Father who lives above and beyond the dimension of the internet Give us this day a life worth blogging, The access to words and images that express our journey with passion and integrity, And a secure connection to publish your daily mercies. Your Kingdom come into new spaces today, As we make known your mysteries, Posting by posting, Blog by blog. Give this day, The same ability to those less privileged, Whose lives speak louder than ours, Whose sacrifice is greater, Whose stories will last longer. Forgive us our sins, For blog-rolling strangers and pretending they are friends, For counting unique visitors but not noticing unique people, For delighting in the thousands of hits but ignoring the one who returns, For luring viewers but sending them away empty handed, For updating daily but repenting weekly. As we forgive those who trespass on our sites to appropriate our thoughts without reference, Our images without approval, Our ideas without linking back to us. Lead us not into the temptation to sell out our congregation, To see people as links and not as lives, To make our blogs look better than our actual story. But deliver us from the evil of pimping ourselves instead of pointing to you, From turning our guests into consumers of someone else’s products, From infatuation over the toys of technology, From idolatry over techology From fame before our time is right. For Yours is the power to guide the destinies behind the web logs, To bring hurt people into the sanctuaries of our sites, To give us the stickiness to follow you, no matter who is watching or reading. Yours is the glory that makes people second look our sites and our lives, Yours is the wow-factor, The heavy ambience, The shining glory, For ever and ever, Amen