Blue Sky and Mastermind

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Date: 06 February 2008 06:44:34

There was a line in Holby last night about "blue sky thinking" and it made me think. If I hear a term like that I will almost automatically become prejudiced against the whole thing. I like more fluffy terms that don't sound like they are meaningless cynical marketing type terms made up by a bunch of hippies in suits.

I've recently discovered that this is not a new thing though. Back in the early 1900's people started talking about "Mastermind Groups ". What scares me though is people are now taking social networking and turning it into serious money. In this situation you can't afford a weak member of the group and so relationship building effectively becomes subject to survival of the fittest. This concerns me because part of effective relationship building surely has to be looking out for the vunerable and building vision, confidence and ambition within them not excluding them because of their weakness.