pausing to enjoy

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Date: 08 February 2008 07:07:47

I recently went on some training which I really enjoyed. After the training I was thinking about what had made it so different and I realised that it had been an afternoon where a bunch of teachers had sat around and been really positive. There had been none of the usual moaning which inevitably takes place when you get two or more people who work in a classroom together in a space without students and none of the usual cynicism about what we were taking in.

It's not just work where that type of "positive environment" is so rare though, it's the whole of life. Just think what our churches would be like if people could come together to discuss strategies and ways of doing stuff for a few hours without it turning into a moanfest or cynics convention.

Or how different the time would be with our families if we could sit together for an evening or whatever without it turning into a space for us to have a go at the world (or possibly each other) or just a void of silence filled only from the demotivating messages from the tv screen.

What I am beginning to learn is change starts to be achieved when people share dreams and the small steps they are taking towards making those dreams work rather than sitting there identifying why change isn't possible or what is so wrong with their current reality. Don't get me wrong that's not to say I don't think there is ever a time for those hard conversations and letting out the negative, but sometimes just sometimes it's good to focus on what's going right and how we can make those bits even better. :D