Modern Morality Tale

Categories: film

Tags: Film

Date: 02 July 2009 17:54:14

Last night in the hot weather I reverted to emergency measures to stop Third Party being overly evening spent chilling over a chick flick.

Confessions of a Shopaholic , (Wiki link for info),was the film chosen to bring peace and harmony to the household. Now I have to admit I wasn't overly keen initially. I'd tried the book and gotten bored. However, sitting with a glass of wine over ice and a no brainer film seemed a reasonable way to show some parental attention.

I was pleasantly surprised by the film though. This, as with most chick flicks, is a modern morality tale. Without ruining the plot for those who haven't seen it, it revolves around a woman who discovers the true costs of credit cards and an obsession with shopping. It was one of those films which takes a serious topic and addresses it through humour and entertainment. I was really glad I sat and watched it with Third Party, it raised some issues which I found it useful to discuss with her.

So anyway if you have a teenager who likes chick flicks and you want to help them with their financial literacy I can't recommend this film highly enough.