Prayer and Planning

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Date: 14 April 2008 09:18:11

An ickle request for those of you who do prayer to pray for me this week. No, not about the ongoing, (although continued prayer for that would be cool). Rather this week I need prayer that I will have the wisdom to say the right things and not say the wrong things at the end of the week.

As a result of me letting people at church know I'm going and what I intend to be doing with my life for the next few years I have been asked to speak at a couple of things: our Friday evening women's group and our Sunday evening Cafe church kinda thing.

Now the Sunday thing is doing a session on "Inclusivity in the church", and so easier to be objective on. However, on Friday night I have been asked to talk to the ladies about "my journey". Now this is an ickle more complex, I have to explain to them about the whole move up north thing, but by putting it in the context of my spiritual / life journey. I find this really scary because people are putting their trust in me to be sensitive to my audience but also to be honest and give an interesting talk.

Now in the mist of this there is the age old issue of I know there are things that the church and individuals within it need to face up to but may not be able to cope with hearing. Also I know that going in as the passionate young(ish) woman suffering foot in mouth is not what is required in this situation, rather I need to go in with the same kind of head on I use in the classroom, but being still being me.

Suddenly I have become a grown up and it's scary. So as I say prayer for wisdom would be appreciated as I finish planning what I'm going to say this week.