Sleep, balance and perspective

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 26 January 2009 09:55:04

Yesterday I had one of those days..... you know the sort which should really be a duvet day because you are doing your best Bridget Jones impression.

Anyway, today is a different day and I have woken up and have come to the following conclusions:

The books I throw across the room have the right view of single parents and depressed single people....... sometimes

The articles which say that we are all obsessed with being young and fear old age are right..... sometimes

The tv programmes which tell us you have to be part of a couple to be happy are right....... sometimes


The voices which talk about us all being individuals being made in the image of God and of being of worth whatever our relationship status are right ...... always

The voices which talk of age being something to be valued rather than feared are right..... most of the time

The lyrics which say "sisters are doing for themselves" are right......... often

To hear the second set of messages a good nights sleep is always a good idea :D