Diverse Christmas Greetings

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 December 2008 09:58:17

Surfing through the Church Times I noticed this article about Gordon putting the "Christ back in Christmas". It was "nice" that the prime minister did it, but I found the accompanying picture v. depressing. You might want to play the "diversity find the face game" with this photo. You get points for seeing the face of a woman (I found 1), a young(ish) person (I found 1), a non-white person. What made me particularly sad was how this photo doesn't really reflect modern Christianity, but does reflect an unhelpful stereotype - (wonder if Gordon is having a reception for old ladies in cardies to reflect the other stereotype).

The contrast was particularly sharp as I'd spent a fair part of yesterday doing church in what really is a diverse community. Whilst the whole proceedings weren't quite as "Monty Python" as usual in home church, there was still an element of it involved, which I have to say made me smile big time.