The Long Goodbye

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 June 2008 17:10:43

I've realised that this week saw the beginning of the long goodbye and the headlong rush into whatever is going to happen next.

The A2's, AS's and GCSE's are all finished and I am left starting to effectively tie up the loose ends. Due to the way FE works over the next few weeks people, on different types of contract, start drifting off and then as the school term ends friends do that drifting off for the summer thing.

All of this means I am entering a long goodbye, which is wierd when you know where you hope to be but can't be certain that's where you'll end up.

I am talking with certainty of what I am going to do, but as of yet there is no certainty involved. I know in many ways I've been here before and God provided, but as I've said before I'd like it sorted slightly more in advance this time. Am beginning to get worried that I have stepped out in wishful thinking rather than faith.