Shrek and the commuters

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 June 2008 21:37:57

One of the things that I will miss when I stop commuting is a bit of sport called Shrek watching. Let me explain, one stop after where myself and my colleague get on the train the "trolley man" gets on. There is one particular "trolley man" who we look out for, one we refer to as Shrek. Infact it has become a sport, looking out to see if we are going to have Shrek today.

How he got the nickname I'm not quite sure - partly due to looks (or lack of) but partly something else I think. He is an interesting character who is the best example we know of how not to treat your customers.

Where as the rest of the staff get on, check their stock then set off slowly down the carriage asking if anybody requires anything Shrek takes an alternative approach. He gets on, checks his stock and then settles down to read his paper. This is where myself, or my colleague often decide to go and make a purchase - just to force him to serve somebody.

When he does start to move, he speeds down the carriage with his head down trying to get through as quickly as possible. One has to almost flag him down in order to get served.

On one occassion he had to put menus on tables and went along literally throwing them onto the tables as fast as possible. Some of them bounced on the tables, heading off towards the floor.

In an age of customer service Shrek is brilliant. Whilst I'm not sure that it is entirely proper that my travelling companions and myself gain so much pleasure from seeing somebody be so bad at their job, and making attempts to get them to do what they are actually employed for it has been fun.