
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 June 2008 12:02:01

I feel that I am drifting at the moment, drifting away from what was and towards something else. I also feel that in the mist of trying to make the adventure work I'm drifting away from God a little.

At the beginning everything was a mad dream, something inspired by God. However, as I've worked through I've had to get an ickle more self confidence or atleast project some. I've also got into a spiral of naval gazing in order to work out what I need to change in order to move forward. The upshot is I can see in some ways I've started to be somebody I'm really not and the "nice" me is being lost a little.

Over the last 8 years I have moved forward alot by learning to be the "real me". This morning, with a mind full of bits and pieces I am trying to put together between the throbbing I feel I've started moving backwards again not forwards.