Bit of a reflective thingy

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 May 2005 07:31:16

Now, whilst I think the term "reflective practice" is 100% from the suit dictionary, and, as a term comes a little too near suggesting particular types of self examination with mirrors, I think the basic idea it stems from is good - think about what you've said, done, written, blogged.

Realise that I have definately had my half-full head on recently and have at times, possibly, been a little over enthusiastic about what I've written. As such am starting to be a bit like the "It's Brilliant" character off the Fast Show (British Comedy Sketch Show of 90's for my international and / or younger readers).

As such would like to clarify - Monastery possibly not "one of the most exciting missional initiatives for a long time in this country" rather is a very good programme which, probably, will have got some of its viewers thinking about God, prayer, the bible and faith generally. As such is missional in so far as it is presenting a positive view of God & the benefits of faith to a mixture of believers, non-believers and those who aren't sure or who have drifted out of that kind of thing (if they happen to be watching a minor channel at that time). Not sure of the viewing figures, but I guess it will have been watched by alot of people - the majority of whom will probably just watch it and enjoy it - nothing more. (I definately buy into the Uses and Gratifications model of audience response).

Maximo Park and Gods Politics I do stand by though.