Who's doing what when (& a bit of a rant)

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 07 June 2005 19:00:20

Well 25 days to go.

However today I'm going to focus on 26 days to go(until it starts to kick off & a month exactly until the big one).
What am I talking about "The G8 Summit". Whilst, with good reason, the majority of us on this site have been focusing on the Make Poverty History campaign there are a variety of actions taking place.

Indy Media is probably the best source for finding out about the variety of actions taking place. Now whilst I don't necessarily condone the views of some groups I appreciate where ones like Dissent are coming from. Where I disagree with them is I feel it is important to let these people talk, but also put on the pressure so that we can (i) set the agenda & more importantly (ii) ensure the agenda is put into practice.

To set this agenda and put it into practice the right of free speech is important & that speech should be free, not just on the terms that are convieniently set by the authorities we are seeking to challenge. As such a recent posting on John Davies site makes interesting reading. He brings our attention to Free Speech Zones. It appears increasingly, that during the G8 meetings, Edinburgh is going to be our Free Speech Zone.

Makes you think. As I say go exploring Indy Media and follow a few links, you may just learn something that the traditional media (not even the Guardian) will tell you ;-)