Edinburgh - Part Six ( The head of the NGO)

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Date: 03 July 2005 15:59:03

Dr. Daleep Mukarji, the director of Christian Aid was the last speaker. He thanked the chancellor, and then went to explain the value of events like the Edinburgh march.

He said that events like this and Birmingham 1998 put life into faith and faith into action.

We need to empower people to hold leaders to be accountable.

We should challenge and change structures, We are ALL children of God with Basic human rights.

Empowerment is an issue of power. And we need to get people and countries to take their responsibilities seriously.

Whilst we are delighted about recent demands we need to remember that things have to change and continue to challenge issues of conditionality with the World Bank and IMF. Conditions from the World Bank and IMF are causing more harm than good. Trade Justice is vital.

Forced liberation of trade costs countries more than they are getting back in debt relief or aid! The language now being used by the DTI, Africa Commission, etc are now taking the right tone, but this need taking further to G8 & EU, etc.

We need to continue joining with other countries to carry on fighting for justice and a better world. We will work in coalitions with anybody who wants to amke a difference. The moral dimention is important.