Confuddlement abounds

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Date: 25 November 2005 08:14:20

Ok, now I really am confused. My understanding of Southern Baptists in the US was that they took a fairly literal, basically fundamentalist, view of the bible and what it contains. However, from this Ethics Daily article it seems like they actually do pick and choose as much as the rest of us which bits to ignore (as well as interpret in a different way).

The article explains how they don't believe in speaking in tounges. Now whilst, as anybody who knows me will tell you, I am not a raving charismatic I do clearly see speaking in tounges (in certain situations & as a minor spirtiual gift) as part of what a small bit of the Pauline section of the bible speaks about. In many ways I find it facinating that a group who rely so much on a particular reading of the Pauls letters in other situations chooses to ignore this bit of the bible (or actively deny it).

Again, perhaps it is because I am a Brit and a mere woman that it causes me confuddlement, or perhaps it's just that they are a v. complex organisation who most of us tend to judge on particular issues and headline statements; failing to actually engage with and find out just what they really do believe and why they feel they have to be so exclusive.