Do I Dress That Badly??

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 20 July 2006 11:17:49

When I am not at the House of Chops, I Herr Chops dress normally very casually. I am a big fan of tshirts and denim of some form. If it is Summer it would be shorts and Winter conversely jeans.

But I continue to be amazed at the reaction of friends who see me at work. It is normally people who forget I work at the House of Chops or others who have never seen me attired in such a fashion. The reaction is pretty uniform. I usually hear this "Whoa Chops don't you look impressive" or comments such as " Don't you look snazzy wearing the big boy pants".

All I wear is a suit. It is a suit which has been custom fitted by fine adjustments by our seamstress to the form of Herr Chops but apart from that it is off the rack. It is not a overly snazzy suit by any description. But it always impresses people. I think for some reason being a slightly larger chap I am actually if you forgive the pun suited towards a suit. It seems to hide the mild imperfections of my form.

You would think with that being the case I would wear a suit more often. My opinion is of the opposite if I wore a suit more often it would no longer be special and unusual. So suit time is a special occassion of some sorts usually.

Till Next Time I'm Snazzy,
