My Complete and Utter love to all the Ladies out there

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Date: 08 March 2005 12:08:57

On this here International Women's Day much love and peace to the female readers of this blog. We have had several events celebrating IWD. I realise that as a middle classish White Anglo-Saxon male with a Private School Education I have oppressed many other groups on the planet. I think as a WASP I am also somehow personally responsible for wiping out some small furry animal that lives in the Patagonian forests. I am quite a fan of the female of the species to be honest. My girlfriend is a female as is my mother and my sisters and my nieces. As you can see I am quite familiar with the female of the species and we have had much interaction over the years. My personal level as a source of oppression is quite low I am guessing but my apologies to anyone I have oppressed.

I am not a big one for breakfast. If it means I can sleep in for a extra twenty minutes and not eat I'll take the sleep every time. I started work at 0630 for the first day of a conference. It has gone very well and it is well controlled. The client is experienced and level headed and well planned ahead of time. That is the last you will hear of the actual gig. We have more important things to discuss. I had a piece of carrot cake at approx 8.20. No code ate required as we were on the way to have a coffee. De Niro asked me to grab a lamington for him and in the time it took for me to put my cup of water on the table and walk to the cake trays the red shirts grabbed all the lamingtons. In fact it was one red shirt that grabbed all three lamo's on his own. The red shirts are notorious for grabbing all the food and not thinking of others which makes me angry. I left and went upstairs to check on my gig and there were trays of hot ham and cheese croissants. I felt duty bound to try one. I gave the almond iced custard filled croissants a swerve but did have a plain croissant with strawberry jam. I was so full for hours I had lunch two hours after I normally do I was that full.

Today I was checking that the lunch for my gig was set up and such and there was a tray with various cookies. I had a melting moment and a mini double choc chip cookie. The mini double choc chip cookie reminded me of a bygone time. At the House of Chops in our cafe we had a thing called the house of chops mega cookie well that's what we called it in any case. It was two large choc chip cookies the size of my hand. They were fused together with a rich chocolate ganache and then both cookies and ganache were half dipped in Chocolate. Let me tell you it was not a snack it was a meal. It required several cups of milk to get through. The only slightly negative thing of the whole experience with the mega cookie was the cookie was quite firm and dry. So you did need milk to combat the parched nature of one's mouth and throat. to eat one at one sitting was quite a challenge. A challenge that I was quite prepared for. I prefer my cookie to be quite flexi, soft and chewy. But the chocolate nature at the core of the mega cookie is what got it over the line and into the winner's circle. The first time I had one it took me twenty minutes and three cups of milk. The saddest part is the mega cookie is no longer on the menu. I had two on the very rare occasions they ended up on the free cake tray. But they were good times and we need to be strong in these days and just remember the good times we had together. I miss you mega cookie we had grand times together.

Till next time stop oppressing furry Patagonian animals,
