Late Congratulations and Apology

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Date: 20 July 2005 11:36:11

Gentle Reader,

With all the commotion of going overseas and coming back and attempting to get back to normal i forgot something major. We have celebrated the first 1000 reads of this here blog!!! I wished I was able to say if you hit a link you would be sent a certificate celebrating this momentous occassion. But I am not good with certificates and links so I am very sorry. But it was cool I checked the afteroon before I flew out and then I landed in Korea and was about to fly out and there was the 1003 stat to greet me. So thank you all so very much in helping me reach this glorious moment. May there be thousands more hits to come Hurrah!!

I was ill the other day with the living snot pouring out of me. Unfortunately this was actually the case as I was just diagnosed with a case of sinusitus. It is so attractive to be pumping saline up your nose at the table but you do what you have to do. I had forgotten a previously arranged lunch engagement with the Police State. But seeing he lives quite close to my doctors office and the times met up quite nicely I went ahead. Whilst at Lunch the P.S's phone rang. It was the one others refer to as Ghandhi. After catching up the Police State says to the one others refer to as Ghandhi do you want to speak to Chops. As I was only hearing one side of the conversation this is all I really heard. Oh yeah it is quite entertaining. You know he always has the best stories. Oh yeah his style of writing must baffle those who don't know him. All I do is read it out loud and say it like he would when he tells a story and it makes sense. Gentle Reader, I am sorry and I know my grammar and formation can be quite poor. But thankfully no one seems to really mind except for my friends. If you do have hassles just read it like a script and out loud. I have been told it makes much more sense. I think you need to read it in quite a frantic way. That is usually the way it happened. The sad part is sometimes I do give it a quick scan to see it made sense and is logical. So My apologies for the poor grammar I could pass everything through the Lovely One for her to check but that would only slow things down. I already have to many excuses for the lack of updating the blog. But thanks for reading anyway.

Till Next Time Here Is To the Next 1000 Hits,
