I'm Not Wearing Any Pants!!

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 18 January 2006 21:27:56

I am not sure if any trained psychologists read this blog. Even if your not I would still like your opinion. I had a dream last night. I went to the House of Chops and was doing my job when I realise that I am not wearing pants. I am infact wearing shorts. I think they were nice dress shorts. I can't remember if I was wearing long walk socks with them as well. Which by the way is the fashion hear in the Land of Chops. You see all sorts of people from Police and School Teachers to all sorts of jobs wearing shorts and long knee high socks.

No one seemed to care our notice that I was wearing shorts but I did notice and was kinda freaking out.

Til Next Time Shorts Must Be O.K,
