French Delusions

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Date: 15 March 2009 18:01:08


I will not lead a campaign to rename a great planet after a German, Imperialist, Capitalist, Inbred Nutter.

It is a well known fact, among people who know facts well, that France is a country of self delusion. Many of the French proletariat still believe that France is a great country that has a high standing in the world. We in Britain have similar views and are, therefore, equally deluded.

However a great French delusion has been in existence since 25th August 1944. On this day Charles de Gaulle announced that France had been liberated by the forces of France with the help of the whole of France. He seemed to forget the hundred of thousands of British, American, Commonwealth and European people who had done most of the fighting.

On one hand we can understand the need for the French to feel good about themselves but it also meant that they heavily glossed over the collaboration that went on during the occupation and the assitance given to the Final Solution.

This has led to French policy towards the US and Britain being  skewed by this filter of French independence. Like us the French still believe that they have a place at the "high table" of world power. This is reinforced by membership of the UN Security Council.

Now however it looks like M. Tea Cozy has decided that the policy towards Anglo Saxon countries needs to change. This has been highlighted this week by France returning to NATO. However there is still a long way to go before the mistrust that exists between French and Anglo Saxon politicians is removed.

It is odd that the country liberated by the Allied forces was quicker to forgive its German invaders than to build bridges with the countries that liberated it. This is not a fault of the French people but the politicians that have followed de Gaulles' policies. They have alienated themselves from sucessive American and British governments and are portrayed as lackies to German policies.

Their love of the EU has been seen by the British as a policy of drawing Germany into a reliance on other EU countries by trade and political dependence. This way they hope to ensure that they will not have any further problems of Germans visiting every 30-40 years in tanks and aeroplanes.

History Today:

44BC: Julius Caesar, dictator of Rome for life, is asssassinated in a conspiracy led by Cassius and Brutus. I think that this is an extreme way of "terminating" someone's employment.

1493: Christopher Columbus returns to Spain after his failed holiday to India.

1848: Europe's second year of revolution sees Hungarian radicals and students storm Buda fortress to release political prisioners.

1877: England and Australia play the first Test Match. Australia win by 45 runs.

1892: Liverpool FC is founded.

1906: Rolls Royce Ltd is officially registered, with Charles S. Royce and F. Henry Rolls as directors. The car part is now owned by the Germans but the aircraft engine side is still owned by the Brits. Wait for tomorrow's post.

1917: Tsar Nicholas II abdicates after the February 1917 revolution, ending 1000 years of imperial rule.

1939: German forces complete the occupation of Czechoslovakia.