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Date: 02 March 2009 20:13:26

Today in History:

1807: The U.S. Congress abolishes the African slave trade.

1836: The Republic of Texas declares independence from Mexico.

1855: Alexander II becomes Tsar of Russia.

1882: Queen Victoria narrowly escapes assassination when a man shoots at her as she boards a train at Windsor. Gun crime is not just a "modern" phononeminum thing.

1904: Dr Seuss is born. Otherwise known as author Theodor Geisel.

1919: The Third International (Comintern) is founded in Moscow to organise worldwide proletarian revolution - like that worked!

1969: The Anglo-French built "Concorde" (French for big drooping nose), the world's first supersonic airline makes its maiden flight.

1970: Rhodesia declares the Universal Declaration of Independence from Britain, under the leadership of Ian Smith.