Problem Solved

Categories: politics, religion, finance, general, tv

Date: 03 December 2008 21:21:53

I am wrioting this while not really wartching Heroes. Unfortunately I am finding that it is starting to become more and more convoluted just for the sake of it. It's time that it got back to what it was at the beginning - before they decided to make it more than a one series event. It showed in the poor ending to the first series.

Anyway that isn't the reason for today's blog. You see today I changed history - I actually solved a great problem that has faced humanity for the past 5000 years, ever since the rest of you crawled out of the primeval swamp - us Welsh have always been at the pinnacle of what you call the evolutionary pyramid. We call it Creation.

Today I solved world poverty with an entire so simple I discovered it while eating my tea. Why no else has thought of it proves that the solutions are always in the biggest minds.

My solution is that you give evryone on the planet £1 million each. All prices stay the same but everyone becomes a millionaire - except for politicians and bankers, they don't deserve it. Hey presto! Problem solved.