History Today

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Date: 04 July 2008 12:36:31

A busy day today

1776 : Britain's 13 North American colonies make a public declaration of independence. There were street parties in the UK when news broke a month later. HAPPY AMERICA FREE DAY!!

1807 : The Italian raisin biscuit Giuseppe Garibaldi is born. He is classed as the unificator of Italy.

1829 : George Shillibeer, a coach maker, introduces London's first regular bus service. At this time only 1 London bus arrived at any one time,

1845 : (Dr) Thomas Barnardo is born, founder of the children's homes of the same name.

1884 : France gives the US the Statue of Liberty to mark 100 years of freedom. 200 years later the US change from French Fries to Freedom Fries to protest at French refusal to take part in Gulf War II (The Son Strikes Back).

1892 : Keir Hardie becomes the first elected Socialist MP.

1900 : Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong is born. Altogether now: "What a Wonderful World".

1934 : Madame Curie died.

1946 : 42 Jewish survivors of the Holocaust are killed upon returning to Kielce in Poland - it wasn't just the Nazis.

Keeping to the American theme:

1826 : The third President of these United States (to quote Big John Wayne) died today.

1831 : The fifth President of these United States (to quote Big John Wayne) died today.

1872 : Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President of these United States (to quote Big John Wayne) is born today.

Today is also St Elizabeth of Portugal's Saint's Day. She was a Spanish princess married at 12 to King Denis of Portugal. He was unfaithful and she was pious (but not Pope Pius). She is the patron saint of brides and sufferers of adultery.