Goodbye November

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 30 November 2005 14:53:06

And so we end another month. There are only 25 days left until I turn 41 and my life starts moving downhill at an ever increasing rate towards life's buffers.

I can't believe that in the last 12 months I've gone from happy bachelor to contented husband; from member of a congregation to youth leader, deacon, preacher and Tearfund Rep & Campaigner. I now believe that life does indeed start at 40 but what worries me is what happens in the next 12 months.

I've made new friends, and probably lost a few as well. I've been to Greenbelt again after a 20 year absense. I've been reunited with one of my old school mates and, after briefly finding her, lost touch with a former church friend.

I'm more dissatisfied with work than ever but am unable to discover the way in which this part of my life will change. As possible avenues are opened they then close soon after. I'm not moaning about these changes but am very excited at what will now take place. The last year proves that, no matter how settled you think your life is, someone up there is always willing to prove you wrong.

Actually the biggest surprise came yesterday. After telling me about the Wibsite the First Wife finally updated her site, over 12 months later. Miracles do still happen!!!

Maybe I've started my mid life crisis! If so, I'll keep you all updated. Now where did I stash that money for my mid life Aston Martin......