Just Another Day

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Date: 07 January 2006 21:10:46

Today would have been Hope Scott's 95th birthday. In memory and celebration we held a lunch in his honour at the restaurant we used to frequent in Oldrum for special occasions. The Tired family, Hope's wife and son, their friend Cath and Val and Barry, their neighbours were all in attendence.

We had a woderful time. The Troublesome Trucks were very well behaved and ended the afternoon acting as waiters, with the full support of the staff. It was good that we could all meet together to celebrate in this way.

Upon our return FW and I proceeded to fall asleep. Me safe in the knowledge that West Ham were winning in the football. FW awoke me just in time to watch the second half of the Liverpool/Luton match. Though this was not intended, I'm sure, I'm glad that I got to see it. Even FW seemed to enjoy it.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support to FW during this time. To those of you in Swampea, I'd like to dsay that we'll hopefully see you next week. We're looking forward to seeing the new addition to the Ingham household. Yes, another child for me to corrupt.....