10 Things I've Always Wondered.......

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 11 January 2006 15:32:15

1. Why does the end of the sellotape always get stuck down?
2. Why haven't West Ham ever won the Premiership/League?
3. If we're all made in God's image, does he have billions of heads?
4. Why do Lamas insist on spitting at me?
5. Who starts conspiracy theories? Is it just one person in a locked cellar somewhere? Is the responsibility handed down over generations?
6. What if reincarnation is correct but humans are really the lowest life form?
7. If aliens exist, why do they insist on anal probing?
8. Why do chocolate makers always insist in putting that one flavour everyone hates in chocolate assortments?
9. How come gravity never fluctuates?
10. Why do people watch reality TV shows?