Money makes the wealth go round

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 01 March 2006 13:53:40

Many thanks to First Wife for passing on her cold. I'm now sitting at my workdesk with a sore throat and slowly increasing temperature. In addition I forgot to bring the box of Lemsips with me that I bought yesterday; now I've had to buy another box.

However I am making sure that I don't do the dying husband routine as this would only reinforce her sexist view of men with minor ailments.

My morning was also brightened by reading about 2 websites that assist Third World people to get direct loans from private individuals in the Developed World.

Global Giving and Kiva provide a forum for people to loan money to projects that interest them the most. You do get the money paid back but no interest. You can also choose to invest from $10 upwards and pay via Paypal.

Global Giving is founded by an ex World Bank employee who had been tasked with finding ways to provide small loans direct to small projects. I find this a great idea for providing aid directly to struggling people in areas or countries that appeal to you.

You can find the full story at Alteratively you can direct to Global Giving or Kiva via the links on my left menu.

This is a great way to provide direct aid that can make an immediate difference.