Today's Rant

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 03 May 2006 10:12:25

I saw Dave's entry regarding his e-mail to Google complaining about the BNP using adsense on their site. Then I read Ruth's comment regarding their revival.

Here are my thoughts on the matter:

With regards to Ruth's comments the BNP are gaining support because they are praying on the minds of the elderly and socially disadvantaged. The Greens do not have a strong policy on immigration and this is what is scaring people, the fear of the unchecked barbarian hordes waiting to enter the country.

In addition, many of the main parties are turning people off politics because they have too many similar policies and standpoints. There is a growing dislike of mainstream politics and politicians caused by the frequent failure to deliver on promises, the ignoring of voters' views and the arrogance that goes with a long period of one party government.

The rise of UKIP should show that the public have a need for parties to listen their views on such matters. There have been many reports of meetings between the leadership of UKIP and the BNP and former BNP members holding positions within UKIP. I'm not saying that UKIP are a racist party but their retoric is a step in that direction.

They are also helped by parts of the UK press that over inflate news stories and lead people to believe that small infrequent events are in fact daily occurences. Just listen to radio talk shows and hear normal people talking about the "free ride" that immigrants get. Priority council housing, benefits etc etc It bears no resemblance to reality but because the papers say it happens they believe it.

As a Conservative Party member I recognise that even my own party play politics with the race issue. We may not be as extreme as the BNP but we have to answer for our actions as well. Yes, there is an immigration problem to be faced. Yes, we should welcome immigrants to our shores, whether they are fleeing persecution or have skills that are of benefit to us. Yes, we should limit the numbers accepted. What we should not do is use them as a political footballs to kick around or use to score goals against the other parties.

As Christians we have a duty to raise our voices against such elements in society. To often in the past the church, as a body, has remained silent.

Here endeth today's rant.