To Do List

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 14 February 2007 11:56:42

1. Send Valentine's Day things - No need, as I don't celebrate overhyped, made-up events - Task accomplished

2. Give up the manufacture of Weapons of Mass Distraction for Lent - no need, as I don't celebrate Lent - Task accomplished

3. Prepare paperwork for forthcoming shipments for my customer - Task accomplished

4. Get a quote for a customer for a shipment - ongoing, awaiting a reply from Russia

5. Sort out customer's account with us - ongoing

6. Update Wiblog - Task accomplished

7. Call wife - put off till later

Did you know that there were supposed to be 3 St Valentines? The Catholic church could find no real proof of any of them and delisted them in 1969.

Valentine's Day is a big thing in the US and UK but almost nowhere else but is getting big in India.

8. Prepare for expected backlash for previous items......