The Big Easy

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Date: 10 September 2008 21:26:33

One of the common misconceptions for new converts is the belief that life will be easier than ever before. Now that they have God on their side nothing can go wrong. It doesn't help that many churches only preach the Big Easy.

The Big Easy is what you get when you go to many of the 'new' churches that are popping up in our communities. These are usually middle class churches that attract many professional people. They are also built along the lines of Walmart of Tesco Extra - big, modern, white barns that are full of noise and are empty and soulless.

You usually find that the preaching is along the lines that Jesus rewards his followers with wealth and health. In some of these places the message is that Jesus wants us to be wealthy, it is a reward for good stewardship and faithful fellowship. The more you pray then the more you'll get. If you attend church then riches will come to you.

As you can guess this is a very popular message for people to hear. Everyone likes the idea that their life will be enriched and that they won't face any trials or tribulations. Who wants to hear about sacrifice and testing? Wouldn't you wish that your Christian walk would be just like this?

Look around you at Christians you know; read the blogs on here; does your experience fly in the face of this teaching? Do you see the teachings of Jesus promising heaven on earth? Have you seen evidence in his life of God providing him with an easy walk on his ministry? Maybe he didn't die on the cross but God took him up and that the cruicifixion is not the sacrifice we imagined!

Maybe they have it right and we have it wrong! Somewhere along the way we have failed to see the message. What would happen if the rich inherited the earth and heaven? Maybe the camel can get through the eye of the needle after all.

How can people interpret the message 180 degrees differently to the rest of us? Maybe they're not believers after all but the victims of a religious form of a pyramid scam....

History Today:

1547: The Scottish royal army is routed by the English at Pinkie Cleugh near Edinburgh. This was the last class between the English and Scottish royal armies. The armies of the Old and Young Pretenders don't count as they were claimants and not monarchs. Sorry Chas!!

1897: London taxi driver George Smith v=becomes the first person to be convicted of drink driving.

1907: New Zealkand is granted dominion status.

1915: The first British branch of the Women's Institute is founded in Llanfairpwll. The first nude WI calender soon follows.

1922: The Turkish army captures Smyrna nd massacres the Greek population that lived their. This brings the Greek-Turkish war to an end - I people wonder why they hate each other.

1943: The Italian fleet surrenders at Valetta and give the Royal Navy control of the Mediterranean. We're were never this powerful in naval terms again.

1943: It is also the day that German troops occupy Rome and take over protection of the Vaticn City.

1945: Vidkun Quisling, the Nazis 'puppet' premier of Norway, is sentenced to death for collaborating with the enemy. He is executed on October 24th.

1960: A match between Blackpool and Bolton becomes the first live football match screened on British TV. It was a 0-0 draw.

1981: Picasso's painting Guernica finally returns to Spain. Franco had given the Nazi German Legion permission to use the town as a testbed for its air force. Picasso had painted the picture in exile and france and had sent the painting to New York in 1939. His wish was that the painting not return to Spain until democracy returns to the country.

1989: Hungary opens its western borders and allows thousands of East Germans to leave the country. As you can guess the East German government is rather peeved at this turn of events. The rot had spread and the house of cards was teetering.