American Politics

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Date: 04 January 2008 13:05:47

Today is the day after the night before in America. We have a Huckabee and a Obama as the winners in the first round of that 11th month marathon to find the next "President of These Here United States" (to quote John Wayne). For those of elsewhere on this small planet we need to remember that what happens over the next 11 months will have an impact on all our lives.

I always find it rather fun that the whole process takes so long but that everyone has the opportunity to vote for their party leader and then on the final candidates for President. It still takes a long time to sort out but does supply us with a chance to laern more about the people who would rule over this bastion of democracy and freedom (to quote any patriotic American in the movies or TV).

Hopefully they'll be able to arrive at a sensible conclusion that doesn't involve the Supreme Court to decide on the final result. After all, no one wants a re-run of the last election. Whatever happens let's pray that the next President shows more understanding of the wider world in which they live and don't need to count to heavily on the influence of unelected "advisors".

We could see either a first woman or a first black President, thus creating history. Personally I'd like them to elect Mr Obama. I'd hate to see Mrs Pushy get in; especially after her husband's record in government.