I'm The Cute One

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: Che, Stroppy Boy, Ronin, Scaramouche, Lemur

Date: 16 June 2010 18:43:36

Firstly for Rain....

It went very well thank you. Stroppy Boy was very well behaved. He washed up and fed the cats the entire time he was here. We watched the football - hurray for the USA - Ronin, while I wrote my sermon, and then he went to bed at about 23:45.

He came with me Sunday morning and was asked to take the offertry and joined in communion as well. Then it was home to have lunch, watch Scaramouche and then time to take him home. Plus he he played on the X-Box.

FW arrived home yesterday. While in bed this morning we were stroking Che. He wandered a little way off down the bed but when I reached to stroke FW he came bounding back and inserted himself between us to imply that he was the one that should be stroked.

When FW went upstairs just now he was on the bed with his sister, Lemur, and had had a stroke. FW stroked Lemur and then commented on what a lovely purr she had. To which Che made a loud "murp" and reinserted himself for stroking.

We do not have spoilt, demanding cats, whatever others may think!!!